I am endeavoring to send users and email reminder based on user set "reminder" date. I am trying to break this process down into bite size pieces.
First create a SharePoint list with the fields from the D365 Task:
In the contents of the Create Item, I can see the fields I need:
What is next step to extract these fields to be used in date sensitive email, i.e. email on reminder date.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you and greetings,
In your proposed solution, you show a "get item" from SharePoint, and I will be doing that later in the development, however, I am looking to obtain the email address prior to the data being moved into SharePoint.
As you can see the "Create Item" process is failing to obtain an email from the previous "Get record" step.
My question should be how do I get an email address to populate the "Create Item" step in the flow?
You can add a new action in the flow and you will be able to see all those fields in the dynamic content.
Starting from date values to created by email you will be able to see all the values.
You can either directly add them to the email action or you can utilize them to perform any action.
The above flow snippet explains the same.
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