and we have this Service Account with "Power Automate Premium" license:-
But on July i got this email from Microsoft when i was running too many flows for testing things using the service account, and it says that the limit for this service account users is 5,00,000 requests:-
Also when i run the Capacity report inside Power Platform administrator:-
i got these numbers, that the Entitled Quantity is 48,000:-
so i have those questions, as currently i am totally confused on how those limits work and if i should worry about my service account consumption:-
Question-1) what is the daily request limit for our above service account which have "Power Automate Premium" license? is it 1/2 million requests as per Microsoft email? or is it 40K as per the official documentation ? or is it 48K as per the Capacity report ?
Question-2) Also in the capacity report, seems the Total Consumed Quantity always exceeds the Entitled Quantity for the service account (the CallerID starts with 3a943******) as per the above picture, But i did not get an email from Microsoft in August, September or in October about exceeding the consumptions nor any flow get affected ..
so can anyone what is going on ???