I have created 3 flows. The trigger for flow 1 is when a form is created, flow 2 is when task is created, and flow 3 is when task is completed.
The problem I have here is when I looked at the run history of flow 2 and 3, and select Check ( no new data), realise the flows are trying to run themselves every 3 mins and has status shown as skipped. It seems to me like the flows are trying to check whether or not the trigger is initiated. Am I right or should I be concerned about it?
However, this is not the case for flow 1, it has no run on Check( no new data).
Thank you!
Hi @ChadVKealey - Where can I find documentation about automated triggers work by polling the webhook to check for new data and plan with a limited number of flow runs?
Some (most?) of the automated triggers work by polling the webhook to check for new data. What you're seeing is normal. If you're on a plan with a limited number of flow runs, those checks do not consume your allotted run quota.