I'm having trouble creating a file over 1MB on File System.
My basic problem is I want to download a file from my emails and save it so that another process can pick it up from a network drive.
I initially tried Outlook -> File System however the file is over 1MB.
So now I have Outlook -> OneDrive and I'm trying to add a copy from C: drive to network drive but the "Copy" doesn't allow this due to different root folders.
So by "listing files" in a folder and getting the content I then try to create the file on the network drive but I hit the same problem of file size too large.
Any ideas on how to get round this?
Or should I log an Idea to get larger file sizes allowed on file system?
Hi Mabel,
Thanks for the reply.
Apologies I don't think my explanation was clear enough, I've rebuilt the basic flow to get the original error.
What I'm essentially trying to do is download to my computer however the file limit on "File System - Create File" is apparently 2097152 bytes (2MB):
Hi SWigg,
I have seen a thread about “How large file size do File System service suport with On-Premises data gateway” at here:
From this thread we know that across all Flow connectors and services, the file size limits for uploading & downloading content is 50 MB, and the timeout for uploading & downloading is 90 [s].
And also another documentation about Logic App limits and configuration for your reference:
About your issue, I guess you are using the action “List files in rood folder>File System”. Per my understanding, when using this action, all the files in the rood folder will be listed so the file size would be over the limitation.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao