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Power Automate - General Discussion

Team Flows reporting

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How can i get a report showing all of the Team Flows in every environment?

  • Hansn Profile Picture
    Hansn 6 on at
    Re: Team Flows reporting

    Until Microsoft get this feature implemented I am using the final step of all flows ,to log an audit record into a SharePoint list; the metadata for this is "Flow name" (I simply  copy this from the title when I have the Flow open), "Flow subject" (Normally something that identified an item of data ,within the Flow), "User who started the Flow" and finally a the "UTC Timestamp".  This can then be queried with Excel PowerQuery or Power BI etc. Works fine for general use but probably won't scale; we need a solution from MS.... Hans

  • Verified answer
    v-xida-msft Profile Picture
    v-xida-msft on at
    Re: Team Flows reporting

    Hi @DLGross,


    Do you want to get all of Teams Flows in every environment within Microsoft Flow?


    I afraid that there is no way to achieve your needs in Microsoft Flow currently, you could only get all flows that you created in a specific environment within Microsoft Flow currently. If you would like this feature to be added in Microsoft Flow, please submit an idea to Flow Ideas Forum:


    If you would like to get all flows that you created in a specific environment, please add a "List My Flows" action of Flow management connector within your flow:11.JPG


    More details about Flow management connector, please check the following article:

    Flow management


    The limit in using Flow management connector, please check the following article:


    Best regards,




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