Hi Mates,
Flow is working till yesterday night around 10 PM, but after that when i try to run flow it shows Invalid connection error.
Is any one facing same issue ..?
Even i tried to create new flow but it throws failed to fetch error.
what happened to MS flows...?
yes i created a new O365 Tenant (90 days) version, is there any issue with 90 days trail version ...?
did you guys can run flows ..?please help me if any settings need to be change.
You can work with your IT department to understand if there were any changes made recently
Additionally, please try accessing the flow outside of your corp-domain / VPN , different browser, InPrivate / InCognito mode, and verify if you get same error.
Hi Mates,
It seems like some network/domain issues, if yes how i worked so far ...?
any ways how can i fix this issue ..?
Is there any IT experts to resolve this IP address , domain issue on created 90 days o365 Tenant
you help will be really appreciate