Hi Guys,
I'm trying to make a workflow that when item is created in the list it will send an email including the Attachment of uploaded by the end user. However I always encounter an error in "Get Attachment" action of my flow. I tried a lot of samples posted here by other users but I still encouter that error.
The expression "web/lists(guid'c4fa12c4-aae9-48bb-b347-2f19db99c1eb')/Items(Lists%2fTest%2f34_.000)/AttachmentFiles" is not valid. clientRequestId: 112a162b-b741-4040-a76c-215f0720a26d serviceRequestId: a5a68f9e-6023-7000-47c0-9664381249d1
Hi @Normz,
Please try to remove the variable and use the dynamic content Display name and File content in the flow.
The following flow works fine, please take it for a reference:
Best regards,
Mabel Mao
Hi @Normz,
I can reproduce this issue on my side.
I will do some test and back to you later.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao
Thanks @ScottShearer & @v-yamao-msft. I can pass through "Get Attachment" action now. However, I encounter new error in "Sending Email" action. The flow is working if the list I created does not have an attachment, but it I try to create an item with attachment, i encounter the error below.
Error Details:
No input parameters provided. Please provide required input parameters 'To', 'Subject' and 'Body'. clientRequestId: d145377a-9976-41e7-b015-81cf09dd859a
Hi @Normz,
I assume that this blog about Send multiple attachments on a single email will be a great help for you, please check it at here:
Best regards,
Mabel Mao
In your screen shot of the Get Attachments action, it shows that you are referencing the Identifier in the Id field. You need to reference ID and not Identifier. If you don't see it in Dynamic properties, click on "see more".
If this solves your problem, please mark your post as Solved.