Hi all,
I am trying to send multiple emails from an Excel sheet, but I have trouble.
I tested several actions and the issue seems to be related with the sheet name selection, which does not be displayed to be selected. I tried to write the name of sheet directly, but I got this error
Error al guardar el flujo con el código "DynamicOperationRequestClientFailure" y el mensaje "Error en la solicitud de operación dinámica para la operación "GetTable" de la API "excelonlinebusiness" con el código de estado "NotFound". Esto puede indicar que los parámetros de entrada no son válidos. Respuesta de error: { "status": 404, "message": "The requested resource doesn't exist.\r\nclientRequestId: 6b60a478-a3d1-4a2b-9c54-616b1b7fe5a3\r\nserviceRequestId: feaa5d0f-36c1-4bc6-8ffb-7ee47429f137", "error": { "message": "The requested resource doesn't exist." }, "source": "excelonline-we.azconn-we.p.azurewebsites.net" }.".
Otherwise, I was able to add a new sheet in that Excel file, so I do not know where the problem is.
Can you help me?
Thank you!
You should rename the table
My mistake was that I was trying to select the worksheet ("hoja 1") instead of the table's name
could you please indicate where is the difference? Thanks!
Scott thanks!! I have noticed the difference right now and it works
Thanks for the answer, Scoot. My issue is that I can select the file, but I cannot select the table (it is not displayed as available)