Hi guys,
I was working with flow recently but I was using a free edition (that should be end in November this year), and my flow took around 1 or 2 min to start, working normaly...
I have a simple SharePoint trigger "When an item is created or modified" that now just start when I create a new item... Suddenly stop to start the trigger when I update a item... BUT, If I create another item the flow runs the old process to update and create...
I created a new project just with two steps: (When an item is created or modified) + (Initialize variable) just to make sure if I am missing something... But even for this simple new flow that I created to test, I have the same issue...
I noticed as well that my recurrance changed from 1 min to 15 min... And seems that the free edition is not avaiable anymore...
but even, after 15 min, or 1 hour my flow does not start when I update a item... That I am missing something guys?
Hi @Denis_Sestari_ ,
I used the Free plan account and the Flow plan2 account on my side to test the same List. The test result is that no matter which account is used, it can monitor whether the list item is updated and trigger Flow.
I added a condition under the trigger to determine whether Created is equal to Modified. If it is not equal, it indicates that the item has been updated. The test results are as follows:
The results of Flow created by accounts of two different plans are consistent. The Flow created by different plans can be triggered normally.
Best Regards,