Hi all,
I have the following code in a Filter Array action, filtering an array variable called conbinedList.
equals(item()?['displayName'], 'All team - for information'),
equals(item()?['displayName'], 'Awaiting Reply'),
equals(item()?['displayName'], 'Contacted John Smith'),
equals(item()?['displayName'], 'In progress'),
equals(item()?['displayName'], 'Needs Resolving')
It keeps saying expressed is invalid when i try to press "Add". Any idea why?
Hi @EpicTriffid ,
Please copy and paste your formula directly into the red box I've marked.
Best Regards,
It's all a bit convoluted, but the below is the last few steps, where I've joined two arrays together into a new combined array called CombinedList:
my initial post was actually incorrect in that i want to filter OUT those values above from the combinedList variable created in "Initialize variable 1":
Hi @EpicTriffid ,
I've made a test but your formula worked well on myside , could you please show me your flow?
Best Regards,
the initial "@or" is lower case in my code, by it just appears capitalised in the code above!