I need help with this workflow. I need to generate another Excel file from these filtered data from a table.
I am assuming that it still did not work as you wanted as I did not get a firm SOLVED.
I found the below:
Maybe using the above it will simplyfi things. But then as I said this is not my thing and I am learning with you.
The flow below has attempts to create the file with the extracted data.
The Parse JSON is indeed recognizing the data and structuring it according to the schema generated from the output of the filters.
This is the rest of the code, here I tried to create a blank file where I created a table that I attempted to fill.
I think I can help, does the flow have anything below the PASS JSON step, if so could you provide a screen image.
If the PASS JSON has useful data coming out of it then we could use that to generate the new excel file.
Please note excel flows are not my thing, YET.