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Power Automate - Connector Development

File System Connector not triggering in a regular way

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I have a workflow created in Power Automate that uses a File System Connector.
When a file is created in a shared system folder, the workflow should run and copy the file to SharePoint online site.
The problem is: the workflow is not triggering everytime a file is created.
Sometime it does, most of the times it doesn't.
Also, some times, we create 7 files and it only copies 1 or 2. Or you create 5 files and only 4 make the flow trigger.
This is causing many issues on the automation of the process.
Also, I would like to use the "When a file is added or modified (properties only)" connector, but this one never triggers.
Below is part of the workflow I created. I don't think it makes sense to show more considering that the flow doesn't trigger.
The user that reuns the workflow has a premium license.
Any advice or ideas?
Thanks in advance!
  • cfebvre Profile Picture
    cfebvre 232 on at
    File System Connector not triggering in a regular way
    I have encountered the same issue for many years now.
    On occasion I revisit this trigger to see if it's improved, but it has not.
    The answer fromhasnainhaider68 is not relevant.
    The connection is valid when it decides to run, it's that the the trigger is just sporadic and unreliable.
    The only real answer is to try and work out a way to achieve what you want without the File System (When a file is created) Trigger.
    Without knowing anything about your scenario, my initial thought would be - would running the flow on a schedule work?
    Depending on the volume of files you are handling, this could work.
    The downside is the potential for wasted flow runs depending on your requirements, or user downtime.
  • Suggested answer
    hasnainhaider68 Profile Picture
    hasnainhaider68 47 on at
    File System Connector not triggering in a regular way
    For issues related to Authentication( expired access token, user connections, or multi-factor authentication (MFA)), please follow these steps:

    1. Open an incognito window and log in as the user. This will trigger an Authenticator notification to the app, refreshing the access token.

    2. Log in, navigate to the connections, and reconfigure any broken connections. Then, access Power Apps or any other solution and perform a hard refresh of the browser. The issue should be resolved.

    The problem arises due to inactive or outdated tokens. Refreshing the token through the Authenticator app will resolve the issue.
    Please let me know when this is complete.

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