The twitter V2 documentation twitter v2 authentication
You have to build a url, how can I create a custom connector where I can build the url.
trying to pre configure the url and setting them in the oauth field I get this error:
The request failed with client error: '{"Code":"","Message":"PUT failed with BadRequest, content={\"error\":{\"code\":\"ValidationError\",\"message\":\"One or more fields contain incorrect values:\",\"details\":[{\"code\":\"ValidationError\",\"target\":\"representation\",\"message\":\"Parsing error(s): JSON is valid against no schemas from 'oneOf'. Path 'securityDefinitions.oauth2-auth', line 69, position 20.\"},{\"code\":\"ValidationError\",\"target\":\"representation\",\"message\":\"Parsing error(s): The input OpenAPI file is not valid for the OpenAPI specificate (schema\"}]}}","Target":null,"Details":[],"Innererror":null}'. The correlation Id is 'eaaa0910-199d-462c-8e7d-a8432835c4ac'.
here is the url that generates the error: &state=state&code_challenge=challenge&code_challenge_method=plain
I would like to be able to configure those parameters and have them passed by automate custom connectors. Can I get some assistance with this?
The twitter V2 documentation twitter v2 authentication
You have to build a url, how can I create a custom connector where I can build the url.
trying to pre configure the url and setting them in the oauth field I get this error:
The request failed with client error: '{"Code":"","Message":"PUT failed with BadRequest, content={\"error\":{\"code\":\"ValidationError\",\"message\":\"One or more fields contain incorrect values:\",\"details\":[{\"code\":\"ValidationError\",\"target\":\"representation\",\"message\":\"Parsing error(s): JSON is valid against no schemas from 'oneOf'. Path 'securityDefinitions.oauth2-auth', line 69, position 20.\"},{\"code\":\"ValidationError\",\"target\":\"representation\",\"message\":\"Parsing error(s): The input OpenAPI file is not valid for the OpenAPI specificate (schema\"}]}}","Target":null,"Details":[],"Innererror":null}'. The correlation Id is 'eaaa0910-199d-462c-8e7d-a8432835c4ac'.
here is the url that generates the error: &state=state&code_challenge=challenge&code_challenge_method=plain
I would like to be able to configure those parameters and have them passed by automate custom connectors. Can I get some assistance with this?