Hi All,
Background Info
What Works:
UpdateContext({IsSubmitError: true});
"The workflow was failed to start. Message: " & ErrorInfo.Message & "& Error Kind" & ErrorKind,
UpdateContext({IsSubmitError: false})
What does not work
Other non- flow owners do not trigger the workflow
Stumbled into a quite a few of issues in the community forum
PowerApps Flow Error : "Connection not configured for this service", when its in included in the Managed Solution and deployed
My experience with connector/connection problems, and multiple connections to same connector
Connection not configured for this service (with Microsoft Support ticket details )
Any suggestions or pointer will be greatly appreciated.
The issue was resolved by addressing a situation where the App and flows were initially created separately outside of the Solution. These flows were then integrated into the App, and both were added to a Solution in the Development environment for eventual export to the Production environment as a Managed Solution.
Resolution Steps:
In the Development (Source) environment solution:
In the Production (Target) environment:
There appears to be a bug where, despite the flows continuing to work in the Source environment, a simple refresh of the flow from within the App in the solution triggers an error in the Source environment. However, if the flows are not refreshed, they continue to function without any errors.
Run text are all clear and it's amazing that the units are quarterly managed by a version of programs by employees
5. Under the Security Roles, find the Basic User role , click on ellipses (...) >> Edit
This step is not doable because
Also, I tried to copy this role and assign organization to Read (Process). Nthing changed. the problem persists.
Please assist
I have a DEV, TEST and PROD environment.
In DEV and TEST environment I don't have the problem. Only in the PROD environment.
Great Functions
After many hours of trying to make this work, I found that if I deploy through the UI, they only way I could get others to be able to run the flow, was to create an unmanaged layer and re-add the connection in the flow.
However, that isn't really a good solution. So I worked out how to deploy the solution using the pac cli.
Something like this:
This worked for me, thank you!
The fix for all this is to build both the Power App and the flow inside a Solution. Then configure the connection references and Run only user settings. Then the flow will be recognized as long as the user has at least Basic User role in the environment.
Sadly yes... But I will continue to try the alternatives.
have you tried removing the flow inside the canvas app and adding it back?