Hi - I'm getting an error/odd response for Send an Email (v2), that's connected from PowerApps (v2) trigger
To compare two scenarios.
1. Send an Email (v2) connector - without From(Send as) property
2. Send an Email (v2) connector - with From(Send as): same email as the current User
On the first scenario - email becomes sent from a shared mailbox
On the 2nd scenario - flow fails due to ErrorSendAsDenied
What's odd is that the (Send as) on the 2nd scenario is basically the same email, but it is throwing an ErrorSendAsDenied message.
Any ideas why this is happening?
Hi @noelflores ,
How are you passing the value of current user to the "From (Send as)" input? If you're hardcoding it, then it might be the issue.
You can use "Get My Profile" action to get the email id of the user, on whose connections the flow instance is running on. Then you can use the"Mail" output of it in the "From (Send as)" input.
Hope this helps 🙂
Kind Regards,
Shaik Sha
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