There is error with Filter Query, can you help how to correct this formula?
The output of the variable is "addDays(utcNow(),-30,'YYYY-MM-DD')"
Date format in your variable expression is incorrect. Try
Hi @YanLiang
I'm sorry this was an oversight on my part.
The filter query of List rows present in a table does not support some filtering methods such as greater than and so on (by design).
I suggest you use the Filter array action.
Best Regards,
Hello Levi,
Thanks, but still error.
Hi @YanLiang
1. The filter query of List rows present in a table does not support column names with spaces.
Please change Start Date to StartDate.
2.AND is in lowercase (and)
3. Use single quotes around variables.
Best Regards,
Hi Sudeep,
Tried but still error.
Use gt instead of > in your oData query.