I have a SharePoint list (namely - time_tracker) with columns like - Created By (person), Date (date), Hours (number), Work done (text).
I have say 40 people in my team.
I want to check, for each day, if all the team members have filled the time entry in the List's form.
How can I create a power automate flow that will check if there is no data for any member, so that I can later send an reminder to them to fill data?
I am open to adding any new column for any use for above case.
You'll want to run it once daily - so a recurrence.
You'll want to have a dependable list of users to compare against. In another list, or, as an array.
Step 1 will be to get that list of users. Say, Tom Hanks, Sally Field, Taylor Swift.
Step 2 will be to create an "Apply to Each" and aim it at your array of names.
Step 3 will be to use a "Get Items" with a Filter Query of Created By eq 'NAME' -- the 'NAME' would be the "Current Item" from Step 2.
Step 4 .. a condition. If length(output) from Step 3 = 0, that means it's empty, and no time submission was received, so you'd want to send them a notification. If it's more than 0, then they've entered something.