Every 15 second an Iot device call my http trigger and i save that record in dataverse in a table name Table X. I have also created a PowerApp where user can edit the last record recieved by that device from the same table.
When user change data from powerapps there is flag named IsModified which i make it to True.
This is how the flow is set up.
1. Http is triggered.
2. Flow checks weather a record containing flag = true is in the database. If yes. Send that record back.
3. Received record is saved in dataverse.
The problem lies in step 2. When user make changes from PowerApps. He only changes like 4-5 fields. But when i send it back using list rows and filter it sends back all 200 fields. I only want to send back those fields that user has changed.
Any suggestions?
Every 15 second an Iot device call my http trigger and i save that record in dataverse in a table name Table X
Save the HTTP request as part of your record. That way you know which field changes have been requested. Doesn't necessarily mean that the field has changed though - the request may be for the existing value.