I am connecting to an excel table on a Share point site that is shared with others. I use the 'List rows present in a table' function as below;
As you can see I get an error stating that I cant connect as it is already locked out. I checked the file on share point and right enough the file was checked out to someone else. This is a problem as we want to run a flow on the excel sheet (we are just reading it not updating it) with a recurrence set to every day, but still allow all the users to check out / check in etc.
Is there a way to connect but still allow users to update etc.
Thanks for your reply.
A further question - If my flow is turned on all the time and I have a connection to the Excel file on Share Point, does that mean that the file will appear as checked out to myself permanently? We did a check and noticed that every time I created a connection via the 'List rows present in a table' in my flow other people could not edit the file as it would appear checked out to myself. Just wanted to check if this was the case.
Hi @Marty3012 ,
Because this is a shared file, I am afraid there is no proper way to avoid this problem.
You can only try to wait for the file to be checked in and then configure this Flow again.
Best Regards,