I have a flow where I'm extracting two tables from a PDF. the first table contains some basic account information.
I need to extract the account number and save it as a variable to use elsewhere. It is always in the same cell in the table (column 2 row 2). How do I extract this?
In regular Power Automate Desktop flow its very straight forward. You just use %DataTable[1][1]% to read the second column in second row (its zero index so first row and column is 0). So I think in your case %CurrentTable.DataTable[1][1]% Or if you loop it then in currently looped datarow you access the second column like so: %CurrentRow[1]%
But if you know that the table is always lets say second table then you can remove the for each loop and just extract the value with single set variable: %ExtractedPDFTables[1].DataTable[1][1]% So thats second tables second rows second column value.
In Power Fx enabled dekstop flow would use: =ReadCell(DataTable, 2, 2) to read second row and second column (power fx read cell is not zero based index)
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