Hi all,
I am trying to use this template to notify one of my Teams members to obtain their flow approval whenever a document is uploaded into my Sharepoint site Documents library. I receive the following error when I run the Flow at the Post Message step "teamGroupId needs to be a valid GUID". At the Post Message step, for the Team box I type in the name of my team from MS Teams, but this seems to be incorrect. Where do I obtain its valid GUID?
Thanks so much - the flow test has now completed successfully!
Hi @sheldonp
You should be able to see the teams in a dropdown like the screenshot below:
Hope this Helps!
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Hi there,
The insert/edit image button in this response box does not seem to have a browse for file where I can upload my png snip file. I tried both the Team and the Channel mid point of the string between the % signs but neither worked (re get link to Channel ... in top right corner of screen). I also tried the natural English name of my team but that did not seem to work either. I am just starting out learning PA and so I am just likely missing seeing something. Thanks for your thoughts.
Hi @sheldonp
Can you share a screenshot of the flow you have created? Ideally, you should be able to see the team in the dropdown when you configure the action.
Hope this Helps!
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