I want to restrict creation of apps and flows in an environment (users should still be able to see and run flows). To do this I want to t remove the Environment Maker roles from all users in the environment. Because there are over a thousand users I'm building a flow to do it. At the beginning of the flow, I want to get all users with the Environment Maker role. I'm using the Connector "Power Platform for Admins" and the action "List Environment Role Assignments". When I execute the flow I get an error message:
The environment 'xxx' is linked to a new CDS 2.0 instance. The operation 'GET/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.BUSINESSAPPPLATFORM/SCOPES/ADMIN/ENVIRONMENTS/ROLEASSIGNMENTS' is forbidden for linked environments.
This environment used to be our default environment. After some restructuring we set a different environment as the default environment.
What is causing this error and how can I get rid of it?
Same error, piggybacking to see if there is an update
I'm Also receiving this same message is there a reason? I see no one has responded to this issue yet.
Hi all,
I'm facing the same issue.
Error: The environment ' ' is linked to a new CDS 2.0 instance. The operation 'GET/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.BUSINESSAPPPLATFORM/SCOPES/ADMIN/ENVIRONMENTS/ROLEASSIGNMENTS' is forbidden for linked environments.
Do any one has any resolution?
Thanks in advance
Hi @leo85
Did you manage to fix this?
I am getting the same error and I have no clue what this error mean.
Thank you