I have a list that in which there is a due date for an inspection, I've created a flow based on a recurrence from information I got here, but I don't really want it to reocurr as such, ideally I'd like an email notificaiton 14 days before due date, then one day before due date, then weekly after due date if the due date has not been changed. The due date would change when the inspection date is updated and another column with inspection period adds on the days till next inspections, which calculates the due date.
Below is where I've got to so far, which I tested and it is emailing 14 days prior to due date
Thanks Scott
Yesterday was first time I've used flow, I'm a total newbie. I'll have a look at your other solution and see if I can get my head around it to modify for what I need
What's an OData filter?
I believe that you can meet your requirements by using a recurrence trigger that runs daily. After the trigger, you could use a series (3?) of get items actions each with an OData filter that will retrieve only the items that meet your requirements.
I just wrote a Flow to respond to a similar question which you can find here.
Take a look at the response I wrote and let me know if this meets your requirements. If so, please mark your post as Solved.