Hi all, I already have a flow that creates a new column heading in my SharePoint document library and adds it to the All Documents view, but I'd like to modify this flow (or create an entirely new flow) that will remove an existing column from the All Documents view, is this possible? A screenshot of how to do this would be much appreciated, thanks!
Hi @Expiscornovus , it's funny you should ask that! After I posted that last message, I tried running the flow to delete the Version column on a different document library and it didn't work, so I ran the GET (thanks for this nifty tip!) a few more times on various document libraries and realised that ALL of my other document libraries had the _UIVersionString and not _Version column so I ended up changing it back in the flow. I have no idea why this one document library wasn't using the Microsoft Version column, very strange indeed!
Hi @JennC,
Ok, great to hear that it works 👍
Out of interest, you created your own Version column and did not use the out of the box one from Microsoft? 😁
Hi @Expiscornovus, here is a screenshot of the outputs -
It's working now with a couple of modifications -
Thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate your perseverance!
Hi @JennC,
Can you run a GET ViewFields first and a screenshot of the Results property in the Outputs over here?
This is a good way to check if the basic URI part is ok and also see what the internal names of your fields are.
Try the GET request before the POST.
_api/web/lists/getbytitle('@{variables('ListName')}')/Views/getbytitle('All Documents')/ViewFields
Hi @Expiscornovus, I made the suggested changes but unfortunately, it's still not working, any ideas?
Hi @JennC,
in the strField value you need to use the internal name of the field. Since this is a Microsoft system column it has a different name, it is actually called _UIVersionString
Also use the name of the view without the encoded space character (%20), just use a normal space character.
Try something like below
@Expiscornovus thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I still can't get the flow to work, I just get the 'Your flow is running' message with the orange timer and it just hangs (run doesn't complete).
I'm trying to remove the Version Column from the All Documents View (eventually I will want to remove this column from the All Documents View of all document libraries of all SharePoint sites), below is a screenshot -
I used Power Automate to create my document libraries and add the Version Column (and other columns) to the All Documents View, but I can't seem to remove this column from the View. Thanks!
Hi @JennC,
In the example I was using the column name. Or do you mean the View Name?
If you want to retrieve the view by view name you could use a setup like below.
Hi @Expiscornovus, sorry for the late response (long weekend) and thanks so much for the reply! Is it possible to run this using the column name instead of the GUID? I tried to modify to use getbytitle but wasn't successful. Thanks!
Hi @JennC,
You could use the removeViewField method for this:
Below is an example in Power Automate
"Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"Content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose"
"strField": "ExampleField"