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Power Automate - Building Flows
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Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record

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Hi All,
I have implemented flow where it ran successfully, but didn't return any record at the end, but I can see data in initial steps like "compose" or "csv table", after that I have initiated variable (array []) and later "Apply to each" and "Append to variable (that I have initialized before).
Any suggestions much appreciated. 
  • KC-25101625-0 Profile Picture
    KC-25101625-0 40 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    Ok, thank you. 
  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,767 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    I'm not sure what you want me to comment on. I'm not an expert in Power BI so I don't know if this can all be done using Power BI. But if you are hoping that you can build a flow activated by the button to do the export to Excel then I don't think you'll be able to export it in the pivot table format that you have described using Power Automate.
  • KC-25101625-0 Profile Picture
    KC-25101625-0 40 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    Ok, understood.
    Actually, here is the main scenario. In the Power BI report there is a matrix visual which has parent and child category fields around 7 and will be dynamic based on field parameter so need to have a only button option to export to excel when user click on the button.
    Please provide your comments. Thanks. 
  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,767 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    As I said, you can do this in Excel, but not in Power Automate. you need to do this in the Excel App itself. There are no actions in Power Automate that support building a hierarchical table in Excel.
  • KC-25101625-0 Profile Picture
    KC-25101625-0 40 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    Ok, could you please guide me how it can be achieved with Excel export and steps to create in Power Automate.
    Thanks in advance for all your suggestions and feedback.
  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,767 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    CSV files are flat tables, they don't support hierarchies.  Native Excel files can do a Hierarchy, but CSVs can't.  The closest you can come in a CSV file would be to three levels of Categories in your model as three separate columns in the CSV and set the appropriate Category/SubCategory/Class for each item in a sorted CSV. That could be converted to a hierarchy in Excel, but you can't do it in Power Automate.
  • KC-25101625-0 Profile Picture
    KC-25101625-0 40 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    Actually I am directly creating CSV file after ParseJSON and compose action steps.
    Actually, what exactly I am trying to achieve here is export the data in the format of hierarchy (in which I want all the category and subcategory (like around 8 different string fields which will be dynamic based on field parameters sometimes I may get 4 or sometimes 6/7 based on the field parameter) with 8 to 9 numeric fields which are static so I want to achieve the Parent-child hierarchy structure in my csv/excel whichever is possible while/after export.
  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,767 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    That sounds like a data type mismatch.  Are you trying to add a file as a row to something?  Name would be the file name and that isn't editable once the file has been created.  If you could post a screenshot of the action causing the issue that would help.
  • KC-25101625-0 Profile Picture
    KC-25101625-0 40 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    Any suggestions, I am getting error after I am trying to export to csv/excel.
    error while exporting to excel:
    InvalidTemplate: Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Add_a_row_int_a_table' inputs at line '0' and column '0'. and template language expression cannot be evaluated because of 'name' cannot be selected. Property selection is not supported on values of type 'String'.
  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,767 on at
    Flow ran successfully, but didn't return any record
    Sorry, but that's the line between the help I provide here for free and the consulting services that I charge for. Consulting is my normal business.  I can setup a Teams invite to work through it with you if you want but I charge $65 per half hour for that kind or work. My help online is free.

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