Hello - I've tried my best to learn from scratch, watching various videos, reading posts and managed to cobble together an automation as below but its sending multiple emails and I don't know how to stop it!
Essentially, this list tracks when a person is due back for a meeting, who with and who their manager is. The flow should send an email at the 14 and 7 day points prior to the date they're due to return for a meeting and an email is send to that person and their manager as a reminder.
The flow works BUT it sends multiple emails I have tried doing a filter query on the 'get items' but that doesn't work.
It sends as many emails are there are list items - so the more data that is added, the more emails that are sent out!
Any help would be MUCH appreciated! Thanks
FIXED IT via trial and error 🙂
The issue was that the Manager column allowed multiple selections and as such everytime I added the manager into the email it created the 'for each' loop which made it get stuck in some kind of loop.
Changed the column to single selection and now it works 🙂
Thanks anyway
I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by creating a flow that includes logging/auditing.
The flow correctly identifies which list items are due within 7 or 14 days as per the conditions and the email content contain the correct information based on that condition BUT the number of emails it sends follows how many total list items there are if that makes sense?
SO for example, out of a list of 20, the condition is met for 1x item where there is a due date in 7 days. It will correctly recognise that and populate the email with that list item BUt it sends 20 copies of it as there are 20 list items.
I'm unsure how to fix this?
Consider an approach that includes logging/auditing. When you send an email that event should be recorded. You can then refer to the log to see if that particular email has already been sent, and thus prevent it from being sent again.
This can be done relatively cheaply in a SharePoint List.