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Odata: Convert String to Integer, Integer to String

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I need to convert a value from string to integer.


outputs('C-DatesForYearKey') eq item()?['cr508_yearkey']


where outputs('C-DatesForYearKey') is a one data type and item()?['cr508_yearkey']is another



 - how can I convert the string into an integer?

 - how can I convert the integer into a string?


This would be a short integer.


Thank you for your assistance.


(Suuuuuper simple task. Suuuuuper tough to find the answer, either in the docs or on the web)


Failed Solution

I really thought I had a workaround by converting the data first in a Compose, where it is posted hot to convert string to int and int to string (int() and string(), conveniently enough; looking at you, OData). But, no. The OData operation seems to convert integers to strings, if they come from certain sources, but not if they come from a List Rows block, like so:





"Found operand types 'Edm.String' and 'Edm.Int32' for operator kind 'Equal'."

BenDonahue_0-1635258185380.png I converted to int(), which, spoiler alert, produced the exact same error:


And the error:

"Found operand types 'Edm.String' and 'Edm.Int32' for operator kind 'Equal'."



As OData seems to selectively convert data types, I need an OData command to convert string to int and int to string, which is bizarrely difficult to find/do.


Thank you, again, for your assistance. Learning (and posting) this will go a long way to making Power Automate usable for me, and others, I am sure.


  • Verified answer
    Expiscornovus Profile Picture
    Expiscornovus 31,118 on at
    Re: Odata: Convert String to Integer, Integer to String

    Hi @BenDonahue,


    It looks like the first part of your Odata filter is a string and the second part is of data type integer.


    So, I think your filter expects this:

    cr508_rosterkey eq '10001'


    I would convert C-DatesForYearKey to a string and put it between single quote characters in your filter.

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