I have a problem with my app.
I don't know what happened but I was working with my app and after a break, I can't oppen it, only I see the loading page but, never load:
I tried sign out/ sign in, close the conection and creation of new one with share point, restore older versions, export the app and import again... but nothing work.
I can run it but not edit. Someone have idea what can I do to fix it?
Thank you.
I have big Issues with 3.20064.22 version.
When I return to old version all applications run ok.
Please fix it..
if i change the powerapps version back to 3.2.0063.13 my apps are working again, with the powerapps version: 3.20064.22 they are not editable anymore. u can change the pwoerapps version at Account -> on the right site under microsoft powerapps and the version there should be a link change deploymentversion
same issue since today, i can use the app but if i want to edit it, there's an error: file is damaged?? Tried to export import as new, restored older version but nothing helped. Its very urgent my customers are using this app daily
works now again
Yess.. about the same time..
So we can suppose that is not a problem with our apps...
Someone have information about this issue?
Same problem since 2hours...