I have made a flow which runs when a form is submitted. The flow is used to update tables in Excel online and gives status updates in these different tables.
All the submittes are loaded in the first table.
Then, the key value which is given in the form is used to get a row in excel. These two do match, since the error only appears in the get row action linked to the first table, and not in any other get row action linked to other tables (using the same key value).
This is the error:
"status": 404,
"message": "No row was found with Id '666666'.\r\nclientRequestId: 926800e8-1f75-41bf-adc7-dd1ded52f9b7",
"source": "excelonline-we.azconn-we.p.azurewebsites.net"
It is strange, because it runs smoothly for 99% of the time. However, I want it to run 100% succesfull.
Also, if I retry the flow, it does succeed
Same problem!
I have the same problem, the flow works fine at random times and I get the error: No row was found with Id.
Any idea how to solve this?
Thanks for your response
In the meantime I did remove all the submits in Excel, so '666666' isn't there anymore. The error is still the same.
A part of my flow looks like this:
The first three actions do work correctly, however, the 'Een rij ophalen'/get row gives the error.
So, the key column is the following in excel:
The key value filled in in the Form does match with a value in this table. For example, 1234 is filled in in Forms, 1234 appears in this table (connection between excel and forms). 20 seconds later (due to a delay), flow searches for the key value, which has just been added in table 1 (_56F9DC etc...). Sometimes (1 out of 10 maybe) it fails, but the numbers do match: 1234 is in the table and filled in in the form, but flow cannot find it in the table. It gives the error displayed in my first message.
I tried a work-around. The 'Do until' is a sollution which I tried, it does work. But I am not sure if it is coincidence it did succeed or if it is a propper sollution for the error. I put the 'Een rij ophalen' in the do until. Looks like this:
Hi @DanielM,
Does the issue would occasionally has problems?
Could you please share a screenshot of the Condifiguration of your flow?
The error message told that the row will id '666666' was not found, have you check if the search row id is '666666'?
Please share more details so we would try to provide a proper workaround for you.
Best regards,