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Power Automate Email sending

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Posted on 3 Jan 2025 15:34:51 by 188



I have set up Power Automate to automatically send emails to everyone in the department when they submit the form in Power Apps, and the flow triggers an email to the Line Manager.





This is an automated email - please do not reply to this email


Dear Line Manager,


Return to work application of (Employee Name) is still pending, Please approve or reject by clicking the link below.


Please approve or Reject.


Kind Regards


HR Dept





It's been mostly fine, but we are a little frustrated because, now and then, staff members keep replying to this automated email with "I approved it," even though I included a link to the site. (I removed the URL to keep the site private.)


Is there anything to stop people from replying to emails and using this URL link?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • stevenpetersmi Profile Picture
    stevenpetersmi 188 on 14 Jan 2025 at 14:02:09
    Power Automate Email sending
    Hi David
    Thank you for your email. That is what I suggest myself, too. I just reach out to see if anyone has a better offer.

    I have reached out to a few people who replied, and I asked them why. They thought replying would work fine, as they use an old method system in which HR asks them if they approve or reject through email, and they respond with yes or no. Old habits die hard.

    The second thing regarding ID in flow is that it is not in the default environment. Yes, it does have ID, but I removed it before pasting it on this message.
  • Suggested answer
    David_MA Profile Picture
    David_MA 8,219 on 03 Jan 2025 at 16:18:06
    Power Automate Email sending
    There is no way to prevent people from actually replying to the e-mail. You could create another workflow to reply to the reply and tell them that they were not supposed to reply and to follow the instructions as indicated. The issue is user education. You may want to modify the verbiage of the e-mail to see if you can make the instructions clearer. Maybe:
    Dear Line Manager,
    The return-to-work application for (Employee Name) is still pending. To approve or reject this application, please click the link below:
    Important: Do not reply to this email. Use the link above to submit your decision.
    Kind Regards,
    HR Dept

    Have you asked people why they are replying to the e-mail? Maybe when they click the link, they're not sure how to then find the correct request to approve if they have more than one. Also, if the link above is the actual one you are sending, is your flow in the default environment? If not, that link will not take them to the approval, and they may not have anything to approve.

    If your flow is not in the default environment, you'll need to direct people to{environment ID}/approvals/received

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