How To Add Emoji’s To Your Power Apps!
In canvas apps, emoji’s are text-based. This means you need to interact with text-based inputs in controls to leverage them. This could be things like the text property of a Text Label control or the default property of a Text Input control.
I’ve added a label control to my Power App. To access the emoji’s, I’ll need to have the Text property selected:
Remove the existing text. With your cursor in the fx bar for the Text property, on your keyboard, hold down the Windows key and press the period/full stop key (in some regions, this might be the Windows key and the semi-colon):
You’ll then see the following box appear, where you can search for and add emoji’s and other symbols:
These are text-based entries so you’ll need to wrap whatever emoji’s within double quotes. Without them, you’ll get a red squiggly line to indicate an error:
This goes away with double quotes either side, as with any text based entry in Power Apps:
A few examples
Here’s a couple of quick examples.
The Hint Text property on Text Input controls is great for things like a Search emoji:
The Text property for buttons also work, such as this Floppy Disc emoji:
We can make use of emoji’s to liven up menu's:
You can also inject some personality into drop downs, combo boxes, radio controls and list boxes:
"🧠 Brain",
"🫀 Heart",
"🫁 Lungs",
"🦄 Unicorns"
Please note: emoji's can render differently depending on the device used. Please keep that in mind when adding to your Apps.
How To Add Emoji’s To Your Power Apps!
Command + Control + Space on a Mac will bring up emoji's
I'm pleased to say that I tested it and it works !!
How To Add Emoji’s To Your Power Apps!
You're welcome, @EALEE_DBA ! I used emoji's in a recent community sample I've uploaded, they're a great and easy way to make things look a bit better.
Hope you can now enjoy putting a load of emoji's in your apps and telling others how they can do it, too! -
How To Add Emoji’s To Your Power Apps!
Thanks CDWhite!
Always wondered how and wanted to insert emojis in my Power App app 🤔Great post - appreciate the screenshots too 👍 💯
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