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Word Cloud for Power Apps

A word cloud is a visual representation of text data. Word clouds are generally used to know the general perception of audience through textual feedback. If a certain word is repeated more in the textual feedback, it appears bigger in the diagram

Additional Details

  • Properties of word cloud can be controlled using the editable configs in Power Apps
  • Word cloud can be connected to any available sources in the Power Apps

What’s New?

Currently, Power Apps does not offer a built-in functionality to show word clouds. Word Cloud uses a Power Apps component framework to deliver a component that enables you to visualize your data as a word cloud from any Power App.


Use Case

A company wants to know what customers were saying about them after a successful engagement. Even though feedback might be collected from customers, it would be difficult to wade through all the text. Visualizing the data in a Word Cloud would give a very clear idea about the areas that the customers value the most.


How Do I Integrate Word Cloud into my Power App?

  1. Download Word Cloud from AppSource: Link
  2. Go to the Power Apps Admin Center and open your environment (Note: you need admin access to environment)
  3. Navigate to Environment > Settings > Features
  4. Set Allow publishing of canvas apps with code components to On
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  5. Open your Power App in edit mode and navigate to Advanced settings
  6. Enable new components by setting Components to On
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  7. Navigate to Menu > Insert > Custom > Import components
  8. In the Import Components menu, navigate to the Code tab
  9. To import Word Cloud to your Power App, click on the downloaded Word Cloud component
  10. Now, the new component will be visible under Code Components in the Insert menu. Rename the component with a recognizable name such as PowerAppsWordCloud
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How Do I Use Word Cloud in my Power App?

Let’s assume, you have a table named WordCloudData with multiple columns and the UserInput column contains the words that will make up your word cloud.

Note: Only use lower case characters in the user input column to avoid casing issues in the Word Cloud.

Use the following expression on your Power App’s OnStart OR the screen’s OnVisible property:

ClearCollect(groupByDynamicTable, GroupBy(WordCloudData, "UserInput", "CountOfWord"));
Clear(outputDynamicTable);ForAll(groupByDynamicTable,Collect(outputDynamicTable, UserInput & "|" & CountA(CountOfWord.{AnyOtherColumn}) & "***"));Set(outputDynamicString,Concat(outputDynamicTable, Value));

The script above converts your table into a configurable format for Word Cloud. Here, you can customize the properties of your word cloud.


Property Name What it Does Required Input
wordcloudInput Defines which words appear in the word cloud The outputDynamicString field generates information about your table in a format that is readable by Word Cloud. It specifies each word and its weightage (the number of times the word repeated). To customize which words appear in your word cloud, copy and paste the information from the outputDynamicString that is relevant to you. Example: demo|6***test|3***present|2***
keyValueSeparator Separates your key from your value For example, in the case of demo|6, demo is the key, while 6 is the value.
Default value: |
itemSeparator Separates your items For example, demo|6 is an item and test|3 is an item, so *** is used to separate them.
Default value: ,
trimEndItemSeparator If there is an itemSeparator at the end of your wordcloudInput, add a 1 to trim/remove that 0 or 1
Default: 0
fontFamily Defines the font used in your Word Cloud Word Cloud supports all font families.
fontWeight Defines the font weight in your Word Cloud normal, bold, or 600
Default: normal
shape Defines the shape of your Word Cloud circle, cardioid, diamond, triangle, pentagon, or star
Default: circle


Note: Word Cloud was developed in TypeScript using wordcloud2.js, which is MIT-licensed and free for commercial use



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