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Community Help

Understanding notifications and subscriptions

Community members can stay up to date with activity they are interested in via notifications and subscriptions. Notifications are delivered in the Community site/application and can also be sent via email.


In-app notifications indicator

New notifications will be indicated by a number on the bell icon in the upper right corner of the browser.



Notifications window

Selecting the bell icon opens the notifications window, where you can view member activity and messages. You can view preferences for notifications by selecting the small gear icon at the top of the notifications window, or via the 'Notification settings' tab of your profile.



Managing notification settings

The most commonly used notifications are enabled by default, but you have the flexibility to enable or disable individual notifications for both in-app and email as desired. When you make a change to these settings, it may take up to 24 hours before those changes take effect.



Subscribing to a forum

To subscribe to a forum, go to the forum and select the 'Subscribe' button on the right rail.



Subscribing to a specific forum thread

Members can also subscribe to any specific forum thread to stay updated on all replies, by selecting the 'Subscribe' link in the toolbar (top right on thread page). Once subscribed, the toolbar will show the link as 'Unsubscribe' and if needed members can click it to unsubscribe from the thread. A thread author is automatically subscribed to their own post.