Here's a quick tutorial on how to create a custom prompt and use JSON output.
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Create prompt
For instance in the Prompt window:
Type Extract order number and delivery number in the [text]
[text] is an input data

In Prompt settings
Select Output, select JSON (preview)

Test prompt
In Prompt settings
Select Sample data, type your text
You can use this following text as a sample data for testing purpose:
Hi David!
The following shipment clearances are done:
Order number is JKL8783828 and delivery number OPQ5000938374575937
The second is JKL8783829 - OPQ5000938374575938
But I am not sure about the state of this one:
3. Ord N° JKL8783830 DelivN° OPQ5000938374575939
PS: I should be able to handle this one by EOW
Ord: JKL8783831, Deliv: OPQ5000938374575940

Prompt response
You have successfully created a custom prompt and utilized JSON output