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Power Apps - Microsoft Dataverse

change default options with creating a new table column

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When I create a new table column, under advanced options the "Enable Auditing" option is always checked, and I am manually turning it off most of the time.  Also, the "Sortable" option is never checked, and I am turning it on more often than not.  
Is it possible to change the defaults? If so... HOW?!
  • EricArcher33 Profile Picture
    EricArcher33 13 on at
    change default options with creating a new table column
    Thanks SaiRT14  for the quick response and detailed explanation.
    That makes sense as a solution, but is a little beyond my current understanding and ability to execute as I am still learning about all of this.  I don't even know how to access either of those options yet! For now I will just proceed with the couple of extra clicks per column, but this will be something that I dig into in the near future.
    Good to know there is a way to do it though, thanks again!
  • Verified answer
    SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,926 on at
    change default options with creating a new table column
    You can use the Dataverse PowerShell module or the Dataverse Web API to automate the creation 
    User Dataverse SDK with powershell script.
    Connect-CrmOnline -ConnectionString "AuthType=OAuth;Url=;ClientId=xxxx;ClientSecret=xxxx"
    $entityName = "your_table_name"
    $columnName = "your_column_name"
    New-CrmAttribute -EntityLogicalName $entityName -SchemaName $columnName `
        -AttributeTypeCode Decimal `
        -MaxLength 100 `
        -AuditingEnabled $false `
        -Sortable $true
    Create a template solution with commonly used column configurations

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