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Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

Posted on by 121



My scenario is I am trying to copy an entire record from one SharePoint list to another based on the selected record within a gallery.


Is there a way to do this either manually writing each field as there is only 10 or code to copy in as a one.


This is what i tried but getting errors


'Command Type': Label4_2,
'Log Date': Label4


Sharepoint List to be copied from is LogDataALL

Sharepoint List to receive the data is Archive

Gallery from where the record is selected from is Gallery1.


Your help is appreciated

  • RouxJMM Profile Picture
    RouxJMM 94 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery



    Also, add .Value for the Command Type

  • Markswan20 Profile Picture
    Markswan20 121 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

    I have changed the input from the Gallery to a dropdown selection and pointed it to ThisItem.'Command Type'


    Used 'Command Type': aRec.Dropdown4.Selected, 


    and it seems to have patched the Archive with the drop down field. 

    Fingers crossed its sorted, i'll enter the data for the other field and give you a thumbs up shortly if it works.


    Thanks Roux you are a legend 🙂

  • Markswan20 Profile Picture
    Markswan20 121 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

    Thanks Roux


    This is how i created the Archive List by duplicating the actual source, the only records present are the ones that have worked on the last step.


    The Command Type column is a dropdown selection on the original List

  • RouxJMM Profile Picture
    RouxJMM 94 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

    Assuming you are using a Choice column for the Command Type and not a Lookup column, the. what has been posted so far will work.


    Maybe something to try is to recreate a destination list (Archive2) based on an existing list (the source).

  • Markswan20 Profile Picture
    Markswan20 121 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

    We are getting there so thank you, it's patching the text data and the date data but isn't populating the data relating to a dropdown within the SharePoint list. I have tried 


    Label14_2 and Label14_2.Text. 


    Without .Text it populates the other 2 bits of data but with .Text it states 


    The type of the argument 'Command Type' does not match the expected type 'Record' . Found type 'Text'.


  • RouxJMM Profile Picture
    RouxJMM 94 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

    Ok then, try this:


    With({aRec: Gallery1.Selected},
     Patch(Archive, Defaults(Archive),
     'Command Type': aRec.Label4_2,
     'Log Date': DateTimeValue(aRec.Label4.Text),
     'GRS': aRec.Label71.Text
  • Markswan20 Profile Picture
    Markswan20 121 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

    Thanks Roux


    I have tried it with and without .Text but its erroring I have attached the error pic.


    I have a basic gallery with 3x Text fields linked to the SharePoint. The 3x fields I'm currently trying to patch to are 

    'Log Date' this is powered from a date picker on the List

    GRS this is powered by a standard Text field

    'Command Type' this is powered by a Drop Down in the List


    Any ideas

  • RouxJMM Profile Picture
    RouxJMM 94 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

    You are missing the .Text

    'Command Type': aRec.Label4_2.Text


  • Markswan20 Profile Picture
    Markswan20 121 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

    Thanks for the response,


    I had to change the code slightly as the original code had the following error and had a required field. 


    The type of this argument 'CommandType does not match the expected type 'Record'. Found type 'Error'.


    With({aRec: Gallery1.Selected},
    Patch(Archive, Defaults(Archive),
    'Command Type': aRec.Label4_2,
    'Log Date': aRec.Label4,
    GRS: aRec.Label71


    It's showing an error in the status on select, it says


    Network error when using patch function. The requested operation is invalid.


    Have i missed something simple.



  • BCLS776 Profile Picture
    BCLS776 8,997 on at
    Re: Patch from one Sharepoint list to another based on gallery

    Try this:

    With({aRec: Gallery1.Selected},
     Patch(Archive, Defaults(Archive),
     'Command Type': aRec.Label4_2.Text,
     'Log Date': aRec.Label4.Text

    Hope that helps,



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