Hi, I have a column X with calculated value : [column_Y] * [column__Z].
In my app I want to display the sum of all the rows of this column X. How can I make this ?
I try to do this with this formula : Text(Sum(Inventaire;Value(TotalValue)))
But I have this error : "Failed to convert the value '3.75000000000000' to a number."
Thanks in advance
I still haven't solved the problem
@AndrewR1, In my list the values ​​are noted such as: "12,345" while power apps retrieves a string: "12,345"... it transforms "," into "." the formula that you propose cannot logically work... it will be necessary to transform the syntax upstream...
As long as the total value is text data type this will work not sure if the '' on your environment is set to be text or if "" is?
ok for this :
but how can I use my origin formula to have the sum of my column ?
Ok my bad sorry! you could maybe try substituting the . for a , ?
Replace and Substitute functions in Power Apps - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn
You need to change the ; to a ,
Ok sir ! I have a potential issue ! please see my screenshots !
with your formula :
After that i try with comma instead of point and it works !
Hi @ProtoSup this is something to do with the fact that the 3.750000 is warped in single quotes '3.7500' this should be wrapped in double quotes "3.7500" maybe try setting the data type back to text and then use the following formula: