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Copilot able to retrieve info from Sharepoint in Copilot Studio but not when tested in Teams

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Hi, I have created a bot in Copilot Studio which is pointing to a SharePoint Site.
 The bot is able to retrieve the answer from the SharePoint Site when tested in Copilot studio but not in Teams after I published it. It does not return any response it Teams.
For authentication, I am using the 'Authenticate with Microsoft' and have added the API permission in the Microsoft Enfra app as per this guide below:
  • Suggested answer
    juangonzalezAuc Profile Picture
    juangonzalezAuc 62 on at
    Copilot able to retrieve info from Sharepoint in Copilot Studio but not when tested in Teams
    I've answered 3 times now but is not getting registered.
    You need to do 2 configurations:
    Sharepoint Access:
    And Teams SSO:
    I recommend using Microsoft Authentication, as it is what we use in our customers copilots on Teams channel using sharepoint knowledge.
    If you already deployed to teams without SSO you'll need to create a new copilot as there is a known issue with that

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