I have a gallery and when user click on the record it will display the form which is set at variable - varshowform
I have a button for patch which I need to set to show the form and the button or hide. - varLetEidt when it's click on the edit to show the button and the form
How to hide and show the patch icon only when the pen edit is click?
I put in Pen ICon - Set(varFormMode,FormMode.Edit); UpdateContext( { PenEdit: true })
Patch button - visible - varshowform & varLetEdit
Can I put
If((!IsBlank(DataCard2), !IsBlank(DataCardValue22)), DisplayMode.Edit,DisplayMode.Disabled) for the Patch button
I want to only show when the date and description is selected for change and update
Can I check with you if you know the syntax to patch these two fields? I need to update the changes in SP List. Thanks
varSHOWFORm is to show the FORM
PenEdit is the pen icon - Set(varFormMode,FormMode.Edit); UpdateContext( { PenEdit: true })
Patch button -
Is the variable to show the Button or the form or both.
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