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Copilot Studio - Bot Administration

Power virtual agent bots transfer to human or are you a human

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Is there an item that I/we may not be aware of when an end-user or consumer may ask the virtual agent bot:


1. Are you a human

2. Transfer me to a human.


On regards to visually identify and publish or release that section of the code to public as potential approval, validation or confirmation (e.g. in the event of age development, human nature topic, etc...).


Thank you for your help, for prevention and for keeping quality control.


@JeffM  @Renato @microsoft @renatoromao 

  • Re: Power virtual agent bots transfer to human or are you a human

    👨‍🏭thank you...

  • renatoromao Profile Picture
    renatoromao 6,819 on at
    Re: Power virtual agent bots transfer to human or are you a human

    Hi @FranciscoOrozco ,


    Do you mean that you will publish your bot and is afraid to everyone try to talk with a human using the Omnichannel?

    We have a system topic inside PVA that contains 80 trigger phrases to talk with a human. The name is "escalate" or something like that.

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