I've created a bot in Azure Open AI studio chat/playground with indexed Azure blob files by AI search and have deployed to PVA(Copilot Studio). Based on Microsoft documentation the created Azure Open AI connection should be automatically deployed/visible in created PVA bot but in my case it's not there. Also tried to check powerapps connections but the Azure Open AI connection wasn't there. Appreciate any help here.
- Should the Azure Open AI bot with indexed knowledge-base automatically be added to PVA?
- Can it be due to the region the PVA and the rest of Azure resources are (West Europe) not US? @HenryJammes or anyone that can help, appreciating your help in advance
UUuu wow ! It works! You are the best @citron-truc , thank you for your time! I appreciate your help 😀
There is an example of filled in content here : https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/General/Azure-OpenAI-on-your-data-deploying-to-a-different-environment/m-p/2316247#M6412
To recap :
- Index name is the name of your index in azure AI Search
- Content data : the name of the field in your Azure AI Search index to interrogate (generally, it is called "content" or "Content" or something like that).
- Title : The azure AI search field containing the title of your document. Generally, it is called "title"). Used when generative AI cites its sources (it gives the title to say "I used this document).
- Url : The azure AI search field containing the url of your document. Generally, it is called "url"). Used when generative AI cites its sources (it gives the url stored in the field)
- File Name : Not sure about this one. I generally use the same value as for "Title"
Now that we know what we are querying, question is "how do we query it?"
- Vector Data : If you are using vector search, this is the name of the field of your azure AI search that contains your vector data. (optional)
- Embedding deployment model : If you are using vector search, this is the name of the embedding model in your Azure OpenAI (optional)
- Semantic Search Configuration : If you are using semantic search, you can have multiple configurations. I use "default".
- Query Type : Choose how to query data. Choices are "simple", "full" and "semantic" if I remember correctly. simple & full are free but not adapted to chatbots. I recommend you go with semantic (but that means enabling semantic search in your azure AI search resource or it won't work https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/semantic-how-to-enable-disable?tabs=enable-portal )
- System message : Custom instructions. Right now, it is pretty bugged when you ask questions on your data.
Hope it helps,
Have a great day!
Thankyou for your answer @citron-truc ! Yes that was exactly what I meant.
I am trying to make connection manually now, but it's unclear to me where to get this required info from to put under Index Data Column Mapping. Index name I do have. I appreciate your time spent on this matter!
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well. If I understand correctly, you were in Azure OpenAI, clicked on "deploy in copilot studio", it created a connection in powerapps but everytime you want to use generative AI in copilot studio, you have to configure manually the parameters of the model and of the index.
This is unfortunately the standard behaviour: a connection between azure openai and copilot studio is like a place where credentials are stored but it doesn't tell which index / model to use.
Bad news: You have to do the manual configuration everytime.
Good news: If you want to ask questions to different indexes / using different models and parameters, you don't have to recreate a connection.
In my case, I have multiple bots using different indexes but I didn't have to recreate a second connection.
I have trouble with connection from Azure Openai to Copilot Studio. It should go through automatically when I deploy bot into Copilot Studio, but it seems that it does not and I need to configure manually (which is troublesome).
I wonder, could it be the reason, that my services are in different time zones? My OpenAi is in Western Europe and AI Search is in US west? It seems that its not possible to create AI Search in Western Europe.
Hi again,
I guess is not the model as it is working perfectly on my playground either on Azure Open AI Studio or in an APP (contoso) that I have created just to double check it and it works the same way, is only when the model is working through Copilot studio...
As an example, I have add a brief description on the playground on Open AI Studio, saying the bot's name and its capabilites. You ask the bot what are its capabilites, and gives an answer as accordingly to the description I wrote. If you use exactly the same prompt on Copilot studio, it gives that default response saying doesn't know the answer
I might take a look on the vectorization and probably will have to create a support ticket too.
But thanks for taking your time on answering 🙂.
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well. Congratulations ! I've had quite a bit of trouble myself with "inferior" answers. In order to see where your problem might lie, I suggest you go in the "analytics" panel and try to see the route cause of the error (if the problem is "no document found", you can improve your search with vectorization. If you have answers but they are not very elaborate, using a more powerful model could help...
Currently, I see quite a few system errors and I have created a support ticket to microsoft.
Hi @citron-truc,
I finally was able to created the model through Azure Open AI Studio, which accesses my SharePoint via an index. When using the model in the playground or the webchat app I created (Contoso), the responses are elaborate and correct.
However, when I add the model to Copilot Studio, the behavior is completely different. The responses seem more limited, and sometimes the information provided is very basic. Instead of generating an answer, as it does in the playground, it often responds with preset phrases from one of the default topics.
Will you have any idea why's that?
Could you try changing the API version to 2023-06-01-preview ?
The content data is the name of the content field from your index which you want to search from (most of the time, its something like "content").
Hi @citron-truc ,
Thank you your quick reply. Yes I have added already manually, but is still not getting any data from it 🙄.