Thank you for taking the time to read my question.
I really don't know why this is not working, any help is greatly appreciated.
Text(Parent.Default,"[$-en-US] ###,##0.00") gives me 1.00
Text(Parent.Default,"###,##0.00","$-en-US") is incorrect
Text(Parent.Default,"$###,##0.00","en-US") gives me nothing
Text(Parent.Default,"$###,##0.00") gives me the Pound symbol instead of the dollar sign.
I changed my text input to number only and altered my two label formulas to work with a number only textbox instead, both worked, here is code I placed in the labels.
you could then put a label next to the text input with a value of "$" and have its visibility set to
which will make a dollar sign show up next to your number input area when they have typed in it.
Hi @TheRobRush
...ok... I feel ashamed....
Text(Parent.Default,"$###,##0.00","en-US") works. I had my Text Input format = Number instead of Text.
I did that so that users could not enter text into this field...
So a bit of a conundrum.... do I not show the currency symbol and risk users entering text or change the Text Input format to Number and not show the currency symbol.
It's a shame we have to choose.
Thanks very much for your help!
thats odd, worked for me, but you could always try leaving the $ out and try it like
Hi @TheRobRush
Thank you very much for your reply.
I have: Text(Round(Value(Parent.Default),2),"$###,##0.00","en-US") now and my TextInput in my data card is blank
If I take out the "$" then I get my value back (the cost for this test record is 0.00).
IsNumeric(Parent.Default) returns true
I have it working on my end using the following
Added in the roundup(value( to be sure whatever it is converting is being seen by it as a number.
Hope that helps, hard for me to give an exact solution without seeing the source in your parent.default