Hi, i have a powerapp jobcard that saves to a collection when submitted. It is then patch to sharepoint when online. The problem i am having is when someone attaches to many photos, it will not upload to sharepoint. There is no error messages just doesnt patch through. Is there a way to compress the images before sending to sharepoint?
I have run into this problem in the past when embedding images in a PDF using Flow. It seems crazy there is only a 2MB limit.
I got around it by using the Power Apps print screen to display a printer friendly view with embedded images. You can then use the browser to print to PDF.
Hi @Matt383 ,
Yes that would do it as well (I strike it doing PDF files on pictures), but there is no alternative I know of (and this has been confirmed in a couple of videos I have seen, particularly one from @RezaDorrani )
Hi Warren, i had a look in the flow history and think i may of identified the issue;
The html content length cannot be greater than 2 MB
Do you know of a way around this without using encodian?
Hi @Matt383 ,
So the second one is saving Base64 text into multi-line text fields? I assume the first one (you mentioned HTML) is embedding these in a PDF generated from OneDrive? Which one is not working (I assume the second one).I must admit we are on a very different path to what I imagined from your initial post and I cannot guarantee I will have anything useful to explain your issue (which I have never encountered).
Hi Warren, yes, first code uses base64 and the flow converts data from collection into html.
The 2nd code is to patch to sharepoint. In regards to the image, this is a sample of what is transferred over to sharepoint.
Hi @Matt383 ,
In the first code, there is a Flow involved and you are sending JSON (I assume Base64 Text) to it, so I suspect the issue lies there. In the second code what type of fields are you patching the images to?
Hi Warren,
both samples below are on the same submit button.
'PDFconvert-2'.Run('PDFconvert-2'.Run("<!DOCTYPE html>
<p><img src="&JSON(CollectGallery.Selected.Image5, JSONFormat.IgnoreBinaryData)&"</p>
<p> </p>.....
Patch(KBX_Jobcard, Defaults(KBX_Jobcard),{Title: CollectGallery.Selected.Title,Date: CollectGallery.Selected.Date,Image1: CollectGallery.Selected.Image1,Image2: CollectGallery.Selected.Image2,Image3: CollectGallery.Selected.Image3,Image4: CollectGallery.Selected.Image4.....
Hi @Matt383 ,
Very strange (I was expecting much bigger numbers). What is your Patch code (in a Code box </> if possible)?
Hi Warren, 4 images. Ranging from 1mb - 4mb per image. If the images are small they go through fine, otherwise, the user has to delete images until it sends.
Hi @Matt383 ,
No unfortunately - how many photos are you talking about here and how big are the photos?