Am working on an invoice processing model and I have to added a table preview in the model to identify the different items, qty, price ...etc. on the invoice. Am currently facing 2 issues:
1. There are 2 tables on the invoice and for 4 out of the 5 invoices that I upload to train the model, the latter is detecting the wrong table.
2. In the one scenario where the correct table is detected, the model is picking 2-3 columns as one.
Am not sure what to do at this point. I have attached screenshots to illustrate the issues that am facing Any help is appreciated.
Thank you
Have a good day
Thank you so much @JoeF-MSFT . It worked. I really really appreciate your help.
Have a wonderful day.
Hi @shadiya,
Thanks for sharing a screenshot. I see that you have the Create CSV table inside an Apply to each loop. You need to move it outside. There shouldn't be an Apply to each loop. 🙂
Staples - Format entries should be put on the From field of the Create CSV table action.
Hi @JoeF-MSFT,
Thank you for your reply. I have tried it and still the results are showing up one one line and the headers appear 2 times.
Is there anything else that i can try?
Thank you
Thank you @shadiya!
You are almost there! You need to put the Create CSV table action outside of the Apply to each loop. Like this:
Hi @shadiya,
Good to hear you've tried the new feature! 🙂
Can you share a screenshot on how you've built the flow?
I tried the new feature today - it worked very well in identifying the different lines on the invoice.
But now i have a new issue with the way the data is being exported to CSV. I am not sure why the header is appearing 2 times and both the header and the details are showing up on one line. Any idea how to resolve this? Am attaching my CSV file (test2021-04-06T20_20_44.9258114Z.xlsx) for reference.
Thank you
Thank you @JoeF-MSFT - looking forward to trying it next week. I will definitely give my feedback.
Have a good evening.
Hi @shadiya,
Thank you for posting this question, it comes in a good moment because this Friday we are releasing an update to Form Processing that will let you tag that table correctly. Explicitly tag tables in form processing - Power Platform Release Plan | Microsoft Docs
Just a few more days 🙂 Looking forward you trying it out. Would love to hear your feedback once you try it.