Hi all,
I migrated my projects from LUIS to the CLU (Conversational Language understanding) of Azure Cognitive Services. But I can't manage to call it thru Power Automate as I did for LUIS. Is there a way to call CLU from Power Automate for my bot in Power Virtual Agent?
Thanks in advance,
Hi all, thank you for your support. I completely missed this part. I waited for a week and then found some solutions by myself. But thanks a lot. Now it is more understandable how to connect to CLU. And as an answer to your question Henry, it is a chat bot to apply some basic psychotherapy interventions to help users problems. That's why I use CLU.
Thank you for the detailed explanation on why and how you use them.
It’d be great if you could upvote and provide a short business case for these 2 feature requests:
Basically, we only use the Fallbacktrigger to call LUIS/CLU and QnA/CQA, since we have a multingual bot.
For us, the best scenario would thus be, that PVA can recognize trigger phrases in multiple languages within one framework. However, the solution, that we have currently is very suitable for us as well, since it is very easily structured.
We then process everything within the 3 Flows, where depending on the topic, children flows are nested.
P.S. Don't be surprised that ID is stored as text, this is still subject to change... 😆
Fantastic, glad I could help!
I see, so, for some of your PVA topics that get triggered with standard trigger phrases, you then use Power Automate to call LUIS/CLU and pass the user input and return what LUIS/CLU is providing. LUIS/CLU itself can also call other QnA maker / CQA databases.
What would be the top scenario that you find much easier handling with CLU/CQA versus in PVA itself?
Omg, how can I have missed out on the connector? 🙄
Wow, thanks a lot HenryJammes! This will certainly be a lot easier. I had such a headache extracting all the entities.
Our use case for LUIS is to call different QnA Databases depending on the topic as well as automating certain processes via the Bot.
With Orchestration, CLU and CQA everything got a lot easier and now with the connector, even more! 😊
Thanks again, you made my day!
I'm curious to know the use case behind the use of LUIS in your PVA project?
Also, have you looked at this connector action: Azure Cognitive Service for Language - Connectors | Microsoft Learn
Hi Alp,
currently it looks like there is no Power Automate Connector just yet. I am pretty sure, that this is a feature that will come up in the future.
For now, as workaround you can use the HTTP connector and POST a request to your CLU Language Resource.
Microsoft has documented it here:
You will find the parameters needed as well as some example requests.
Hope it helps!