I'm trying to make a flow where I can plug in a docking station, and it runs the update automatically and then exits the application ready for the next 200 docks that i need to update.
Power Automate opens the app, focuses the windows but mouse clicks, key entry's, UI element button click or desktop record wont acknowledge the application. When trying to record, the app doesn't highlight red at all like the other apps.
Even key strokes, running the script to press TAB 3 times but it does nothing.
Any idea on how to get this to work?
Kind regards,
I had a similar issue and this worked for me:
Try clicking into your UI elements pane, edit selector, switch to the "custom" bar, and replace all of the text with a custom CSS selector (I also hear jQuery works) for the element (I believe there are some sites that automatically generate these, or you could write it out yourself).