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Form submits but does not fill in a lookup column

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I have a power app which contains a form that creates new items in a Sharepoint list. It has a few columns including one which is a lookup to a different list.
This all worked fine. However when I added a second column in the lookup list, which i used to sort in the combobox, my form doesn't submit as expected anymore.
Now, all my columns are filled in except the lookup one. I've checked everything and it should work. When I use the monitoring tool I've discovered that the lookup column value is included in the 'patchcreaterow' operation, but NOT in the 'createrow' operation. All the fields (id, title, new column added ...) are filled in fine in the net payload of patchcreaterow. In createrow it's dissapeared.
Does anyone have a suggestion what the cause can be? Is this a bug? The datacardvalue is set up correctly, as is the datacard and the form. It should work. It just doesn't after adding a second column in the lookup.
  • JA-17011537-0 Profile Picture
    JA-17011537-0 4 on at
    Form submits but does not fill in a lookup column
    Good day @WarrenBelz,
    I've solved my issue. I believe the issue was caused due to the way Sharepoint accepts lookup values in a form. (?)
    Choices([List_used_for_form].LookUpColumn works as expected while before using the LookedUpColumn in the sort didn't. 
    In the createpatchrow in the monitor session it succesfully sent the row entity of LookedUpColumn, When creating the row (createrow) it didn't go through.
    My code is now as follows:
            LookUp(Datumwaarden; Title = Value; Sorteerdata)
    Thanks for your time!
    Warm regards,
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,343 on at
    Form submits but does not fill in a lookup column
    I am assuming Datumwaarden is your List Name not your Lookup column ? What is the name of your Lookup column as well as the List and field name you are looking up with this column. Also what is the Update of the Data Card.
  • JA-17011537-0 Profile Picture
    JA-17011537-0 4 on at
    Form submits but does not fill in a lookup column
    Apologies for my late reply.
    My Items is a sortbycolumns with the lookup title (Datumwaarden) I want in my list sorted by another column of the lookup list (Sorteerdata), not included in my sharepoint list where new items are created as a result of the form.
    SortByColumns(Datumwaarden; "Sorteerdata"; SortOrder.Ascending)
    I do not use Patch, just submitform. Which makes it a strange issue imo.
    I'm guessing the issue lies in the sort. When my Items was just Datumwaarden, it worked fine.
    Thanks for your time!
    Kind regards
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,343 on at
    Form submits but does not fill in a lookup column
    What is the Items of the Combo Box and your Patch code (all in Text please)

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