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changing button color after being pressed

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I have 4 buttons that I am using to filter out a gallery. the filter is working, i used a variable depending on what the user clicks on.
I am trying to change the color once it has been pressed down, and can't seem to get that to work. 
Do I changed the Fill with a variable depending if it was pressed?
If another was pressed, how do I change the color? do if, else variable?
Keeping it simple, it's default blue, want to change it to Green.
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,434 on at
    changing button color after being pressed
    I posted before I noticed that @RobElliott's post at the bottom is the direction I would take - I might as well continue, but please mark Rob's as the solution. You simply need multiple Variables and you can use UpdateContext
          varColor1: Color.Blue,
          varColor2: Color.Blue
    varColor3: Color.Blue
    varColor4: Color.Blue } )

    then change whichever you need.
  • CU05010146-0 Profile Picture
    CU05010146-0 6 on at
    changing button color after being pressed
    I have used the following when creating different buttons within an app recently.  I set the OnSelect and Fill properties as below:
    For Button1:
    OnSelect property setting:
    Set(SelectedButton, "Button1")
    Fill property:
    If(SelectedButton = "Button1", Green, Blue)
    For Button2:
    OnSelect property setting:
    Set(SelectedButton, "Button2")
    Fill property:
    If(SelectedButton = "Button2", Green, Blue)
    Substitute the name of your buttons for "Button1," Button2," etc. 
  • Ytalo Silva Profile Picture
    Ytalo Silva 41 on at
    changing button color after being pressed

    Hello, in cases like this, I usually use a gallery of buttons. Basically, I create a collection in this format:

    {label: "Button1", action: "", defaultColor: ColorValue("myColorHex"), selectedColor: ColorValue("myColorHex")},
    {label: "Button2", action: "", defaultColor: ColorValue("myColorHex"), selectedColor: ColorValue("myColorHex")},
    {label: "Button3", action: "", defaultColor: ColorValue("myColorHex"), selectedColor: ColorValue("myColorHex")}

    This can be done in the OnStart of the application. Then, I create a gallery and add a button. In the Items property of the gallery, I set colMenuButtons. In the button’s label, I use ThisItem.Label, and for the Fill property, I set:

    If(ThisItem.isSelected, ThisItem.selectedColor, ThisItem.defaultColor)

    This way, I can change the color of the selected item.

    To define the actions for each button, in the OnSelect property of the button, I use a Switch statement.

    This is just one way to do it. Another way would be to create 4 color-specific variables for each button. In the Fill property of each button, you would use:

    If(varButton1 = true And Or(varButton2,varButton3,varButton4) = false,ColorValue("colorSelectedHex"), ColorValue("colorDefaultHex"))

    Make sure to reset the variables for the other buttons when one is selected.

    I hope this helps!

  • nerdyplayer Profile Picture
    nerdyplayer 94 on at
    changing button color after being pressed
    Thx Rob, it did change the color, but i have 4 buttons to work as the filter. If a user selects one of the others, i want the color to change back.
    Right now, if i click on one, all the others will change color too and cannot revert back.
  • RobElliott Profile Picture
    RobElliott 9,995 on at
    changing button color after being pressed
    Set your OnVisible property for the screen and  the App OnStart property to 
    Add a button to your app. Set the OnSelect property to 
    Set(varSelected, Color.Green)
    and the Fill property to varSelected.
    Los Gallardos
    Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User.
    Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)

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