I'm trying to pull communities and community posts from viva engage into a powerapp.
I have managed to collect the discussions using
Which you can see below (I only have one test discussion).
I would like to navigate to a second page that displays the discussion from the selected group.
I can't understand why I get an error;
thanks. yes I will use thisitem.id, I swapped it to the integer for testing
@nick9one1 One more thing, If you are using the above code with icon which is within gallery, the you also use this and you use Navigate function to navigate to different screens if required.
I hope this helps.
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Hi @nick9one1 , As per the article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/yammer/#get-messages-in-a-group-(v3)
Group ID is integer and you are passing as record.
So, instead pass directly Group ID without curly brackets.
I hope this helps.
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