Hi there,
I have created a chatbot in our Dev environment in a Solution, which included a topic of "Products". I published the bot in Dev, and imported the solution to our Test environment. All OK.
I removed the topic of "Products" in Dev, and imported the solution back again into Test, but "Products" remains there as a topic.
I have been through the bot topics etc, and there are no triggers for the topic and it is not called on by other topics, but I cannot delete it.
Trying to delete it in the solution gives dependencies errors for the below...
Any help please to get this topic removed from the Test version of my bot?
I honestly don't know about a delay, but that would be pretty typical for the way this stuff works.
Thanks. I managed to delete it in Tables > Chat subcomponents, but firstly taking it's dependency from other topics (which don't appear in the PVA Designer/portal). Bizarre.
This has fixed it for users of the bot, however, it is still appearing in my Custom Analytics PowerBI report which I got from MS's github. Is there a delay that you know of for data to be updated for PVA - I remember something that transcripts are only available after X hours?
Thanks for your advice
Is the solution you are importing from Dev to Test a managed or unmanaged solution? If its unmanaged then I would make sure you delete it from Test before re-importing. If its managed then what you are doing should work. If it doesn't you may have to open a support ticket.